Exploiting Digital Imagery for Snow Surface Retrieval on Sea Ice

Adam Steer2 :: Petra Heil1,2 :: Jan Lieser3 :: Rob Massom1,2

[1] Australian Antarctic Division :: [2] Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre :: [3] Gateway Antarctica, Institute of Marine and Antarctic Science

A brief history of sea ice aerial photography from Australian programs

pre-2007: acquire minimal overlap, trying to make as few repeat observations as possible. Focus on floe size.
2007-2008: change of plan - shoot as fast as possible! Still looking for ice floes, starting to work on other characteristics: classifying ice types, tinkering with 3D reconstruction
2009-2012: bigger camera, more pixels, more colour depth. Currently a dataset needing an analyst or ten! Subject of this talk
2012+ experimenting with remotely piloted airborne systems

Here we focus on imagery collected in 2012 on the SIPEX II voyage, from a big drone.

Topography from imagery

- show a pretty picture here of a sea ice sampling site

then show a plot of photogrammetric elevation vs transect elevation, and distributed sampling site elevations

Snow depth from topography

- show a pretty picture here of a sea ice samplone site

Sructures in snow topography

What are ridges? what is not?

roughtness pic

snow types from imagery

Object based image analysis

What to do better

Deploy georeferenced targets - if you have instruments collecting position in the survey, paint an obvious target on top
Tilt the camera slightly to collect off-nadir imagery
Collaborate with computer vision experts!


This talk: https://adamsteer.github.io/talks/polar2018/#/1

An interactive 3D ice floe: (tba)


<<<<<<< HEAD [to do - get DOIs and links] Paget et al 2005 Steer et al 2008 Worby et al 2008 Hutchings et al 2012 Oszoy-Cicek et al 2013 Steer 2016 (PhD thesis) ======= [to do - get DOIs and links]
Paget et al 2005
Steer et al 2008
Worby et al 2008
Hutchings et al 2012
Oszoy-Cicek et al 2013
Steer 2016 (PhD thesis)
Sturm et al (snow)
the ICEBRIDGE snow topography classification paper >>>>>>> fbcf64fe1f54db0b87fad0691205488b5322e2cd