Dr Adam Steer
Freelance geospatial consultant: Spatialised
Organising committee for FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018 and 2019
OSGeo charter member, marketing committee, OGC representative
Field scientist turned data wrangler
Sea ice elevation and draft modelled with photogrammetry and upward looking sonar. Interact with me!
This talk is here:
...play with the interactive bits if you like! (unfortunately, the webGL used will not work in the Safari web browser)
def xyzcoverage(inputfile):
Provide a file name with extension:
- xyz
...extract a tight polygon around the XY points in the file
and return a GeoJSON polygon
pipeline = {
"pipeline": [
"type": "readers.text",
"header": "X\tY\tZ\tFlightllineID\tIntensity",
"spatialreference": "EPSG:4326",
"filename": inputfile
"type": "filters.hexbin",
"threshold": 1
def xyzdensity(inputfile):
.xyz files (ascii point clouds or grids)
pointcoverage = getpointcoverage.getpointcoverage(inputfile)
pointcoverage = shape(json.loads(pointcoverage))
# get the area of the coverage. first convert from WGS84 to utm
projstring = geotransforms.guessutm(pointcoverage)
utmcoverage = geotransforms.latlontoutm(pointcoverage, projstring)
covered = utmcoverage.area
npoints = mapcount(inputfile)
meandensity = covered/npoints
return json.dumps({
'meandensity': meandensity,
'area': covered,
'npoints': npoints
"type" : "readers.text",
"filename" : "inputfile.txt",
"separator" : ",",
"header" : "X,Y,Z",
"skip": 1
"type" : "filters.reprojection",
"type": "filters.ferry",
"dimensions": "=>Classification, =>PointSourceId"
"type": "filters.assign",
"assignment": "PointSourceId[:]=1, Classification[:]=2"
"type": "filters.outlier"
"matrix": "1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1"
"minimum" : -8100,
"maximum" : 0,
"ramp" : "blue_hue",
"minor_version": 4,
"a_srs": "EPSG:3577"
echo $table
for filename in $path/*.laz; do
echo $filename
thefile=$(basename $filename .laz)
echo $thefile
bounds=$(pdal info --boundary $filename | jq '.boundary.boundary')
bounds=$(echo $bounds | tr -d \")
pointcount=$(pdal info --metadata $filename | jq '.metadata.count' )
echo $pointcount
thedepth=$(pdal info --stats $filename | jq '.stats.statistic[2].average' )
echo $thedepth
#allthejson=$(pdal info --summary $filename )
psql -U adam -h localhost -p 5432 -d bathymetryindex -c \
"insert into $table (filename, boundingbox, npoints, meandepth )
values ('$thefile', ST_GeomFromText('$bounds'), $pointcount, $thedepth);"
Read ASCII from a THREDDS server
Reproject, invert Z, LAZ-ify
Collect boundaries and postGIS-ify
Do stuff...
Indian ocean sea floor data collected during MH370 search phase 1 and 2. Interact with me!
"pipeline": [
"type": "readers.ept",
"filename": "https://act-2015-rgb.s3.amazonaws.com/",
"bounds": “([-2639580, -2635580], [-4137200,-4142200])"
Seafloor DEM in QGIS2threeJS made from an Entwine index using PDAL
The Australian Capital Territory. 1600 square kilometres, 29.4 billion points. Interact with me!
"pipeline": [
"type": "readers.ept",
"filename": "http://act-2015-rgb.s3.amazonaws.com/“,
"bounds": "([692738, 692967], [6092255,6092562])"
"type": "filters.ferry",
"dimensions": "HeightAboveGround=>Z"
"polygon" : "POLYGON((692809.631984224 6092391.60313353,...,692809.631984224 6092391.60313353))"
National Museum of Australia clipped from Entwine using PDAL
Do stuff...
The lower Murray Darling Basin. 8000 square kilometres, 30.7 billion points. Interact with me!
"pipeline": [
"bounds":"([566655, 567655], [6254307,6255307])"
Treeness in the lower Murray Darling basin
Do stuff!
1.12 billion TLS points georeferenced using PDAL and a coincident ALS survey
Find coregistration points, generate transformation matrix, apply trasformation matrix
Do stuff...
A very tiny airplane
Mt Coree's wind wall. 125.9 million points, 264 square metres. Interact with me!
Practical application - data alignment and change detection
Classify ground in RPA data
Generate transform with ICP
Apply transform
Do stuff...